Friday, March 4, 2011

ED-RED Meeting in Park Ridge March 21

We are a member of ED-RED which lobbies on behalf of our districts in Springfield.  ED-RED is planning a meeting to discuss consolidations on March 21.  This is the Oak Grove School Board Meeting night so our Board will not be able to participate, but residents may want to attend.
ED-RED Member Meeting
Topic: School Consolidation
Monday, March 21, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Maine South High School Board Room, 1131 S. Dee Road in Park Ridge
We will review statewide district population data, recent studies on
the impact of district consolidation, and discuss your district's
position on school consolidation.


  1. District consolidation is one of the most important topics our Board should be working on at this time. Maybe you should consider moving the regular meeting date or at least sending one of our Board members to express our position in person and to get the pulse of other members first hand.

  2. I don't think there is anything more important than the current issue of consolidation. You should seriously consider rescheduling the board meeting and attend the ED-RED meeting. The schools attendance will further drive the support of parents.
